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The Mouse
and the Cheese

A whimsical tale that tells the story of a mouse who learns the value of friendship, family, and sharing. Written and illustrated by two soldiers while deployed in Iraq. Wanting to create something
special for their daughters while separated from them, they collaborated to produce this beautifully writing and illustrated picture book.

The Story Behind the Story

 In 2018, Frank and I deployed with our army unit to Iraq. There we operated the largest base, housing thousands of residents. This was the first deployment where I have had a family that I left
back home. Other than a dog, I never had to worry about much more than the mission and my soldiers. This time was different. I had a beautiful wife and two daughters, my princesses, that I had to leave behind. As the days stretched into months, I missed them more and more.

Thankfully, thanks to technology, I could video chat with my wife and two daughters. This often involved “reading” to them. “Read us a book daddy!” they would cry. I would look something up
online that I knew they had back home, and they would follow along. Often, I would make a story up on the spot to entertain them.

The idea of writing them an original story quickly took shape. The result was  "The Mouse and the Cheese" written especially for them. I wanted to create something that would not only entertain and teach them the value of sharing, but give them a piece of me to always have while I was gone.

Needing illustrations to bring my words to life, I was fortunate to have a terrific artist among my soldiers. Frank did a wonderful job with the drawings. He also has a daughter back home, and this would be something he could also share with her. We collaborated to make sure everything was just right and stuck many remembrances, "Easter eggs" of our deployment, into the pages which are found throughout the book. After some more time spent coloring Frank’s sketches, the book was
ready for publication.


Our labor of love for our daughters is available on Amazon in hardcover, softcover, and eBook formats.

Cartoon mouse smiling with cheese in a living room


Andrew Heymann is a retired Lt. Colonel turned versatile storyteller!  From exhilarating military sci-fi to enchanting children's tales, Andy weaves tales that captivate the imagination. With his Ranger Buddy for life, Jenn, he battles alongside her in the adventure of parenthood, raising two warrior princesses. Join him on a journey where adventure knows no bounds and imagination reigns supreme!


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Andrew Heymann is a retired Lt. Colonel turned versatile storyteller! From exhilarating military sci-fi to enchanting children's tales, Andy weaves tales that captivate the imagination. With his Ranger Buddy for life, Jenn, he battles alongside her in the adventure of parenthood, raising two warrior princesses. Join him on a journey where adventure knows no bounds and imagination reigns supreme!


Embark on an epic journey of imagination with Andrew Heymann!
Get exclusive insights, sneak peeks, and special offers.
Dive into enchanting tales for all ages and join our brigade of fellow adventurers. Sign up now and let the journey begin!


A whimsical tale that tells the story of a mouse who learns the value of friendship, family, and sharing. Written and illustrated by two soldiers while deployed in Iraq. Wanting to create something
special for their daughters while separated from them, they collaborated to produce this beautifully writing and illustrated picture book.

The Story Behind the Story

 In 2018, Frank and I deployed with our army unit to Iraq. There we operated the largest base, housing thousands of residents. This was the first deployment where I have had a family that I left
back home. Other than a dog, I never had to worry about much more than the mission and my soldiers. This time was different. I had a beautiful wife and two daughters, my princesses, that I had to leave behind. As the days stretched into months, I missed them more and more.

Thankfully, thanks to technology, I could video chat with my wife and two daughters. This often involved “reading” to them. “Read us a book daddy!” they would cry. I would look something up
online that I knew they had back home, and they would follow along. Often, I would make a story up on the spot to entertain them.

The idea of writing them an original story quickly took shape. The result was  "The Mouse and the Cheese" written especially for them. I wanted to create something that would not only entertain and teach them the value of sharing, but give them a piece of me to always have while I was gone.

Needing illustrations to bring my words to life, I was fortunate to have a terrific artist among my soldiers. Frank did a wonderful job with the drawings. He also has a daughter back home, and this would be something he could also share with her. We collaborated to make sure everything was just right and stuck many remembrances, "Easter eggs" of our deployment, into the pages which are found throughout the book. After some more time spent coloring Frank’s sketches, the book was
ready for publication.


Our labor of love for our daughters is available on Amazon in hardcover, softcover, and eBook formats.

Cartoon mouse smiling with cheese in a living room

The Mouse and the Cheese: A children's color book about caring

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